Old dogs don't die; they can't. They've merely run up ahead; they're waiting for us just out of sight. Close your eyes late at night and you may smell his musky odor, or perhaps hear his snuffle from the next room. Pay attention and you may feel his nose on your hand or the back of your calf. When your final day comes, you can go on to meet him; he's never left you and never will, and when you close your eyes for the last time, you'll open them again to be met with his Bright eyes and wagging tail.
2019年10月28日 星期一
Old dogs don't die - 轉貼
Old dogs don't die; they can't. They've merely run up ahead; they're waiting for us just out of sight. Close your eyes late at night and you may smell his musky odor, or perhaps hear his snuffle from the next room. Pay attention and you may feel his nose on your hand or the back of your calf. When your final day comes, you can go on to meet him; he's never left you and never will, and when you close your eyes for the last time, you'll open them again to be met with his Bright eyes and wagging tail.
2019年10月20日 星期日
3年喇, 日子唔算短, 但豆b走咗咁耐, 對呢個女依然掛念; 無錯時間係良藥, 可以將傷痛減少, 但每當觸碰傷口, 仍然苦不堪言!
加拿大嘅Lauren Herschel畫咗”the ball and the box”去具體描繪出呢種感受, 我諗有經過呢種傷痛嘅同路人, 都會感受至深, 我亦同大家再次分享, Lauren刻劃得咁透徹!
2019年10月10日 星期四
真皮鎖匙扣 + 後記
2018年8月, 訂做咗客制真皮鎖匙扣, 當然係寶貝仔波波啦, 當時祇先做一個, 因為未知效果係點, 兩個女就押後; 痴痴地等咗近半年, 今年1月終於收到成品, 效果喜出望外, 完全做到波波嘅神韻, 我呢個心急人即刻同店主聯絡, 要做埋達達同豬豆!
2019年10月1日 星期二
真係好開心 (w/video)
完全係驚喜, 真係好開心!
波波膝關節移位問題搞咗好耐, 早前差到我已經接受, 佢係無希望可以再正常步行, 連輪椅都買埋, 要靠外物支撐都知有幾差啦, 基本上好一段日子佢只可以企, 坐同瞓, 想正常咁行一步都唔得, 跌吓跌吓咁!
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