2019年5月31日 星期五

又換益生菌 - Nexabiotic

食咗一段時間Dr Mercola嘅益菌, 又要幫波波轉吓喇, 今次選咗呢隻有 23款菌種, 算係比較多菌種嘅品牌; 其實多少菌種有一定利弊, 少嘛相應穩定集中, 可以
針對特定條件用特定菌種, 如果知道自己需要邊個菌, 正確選擇一click即中當然收效更大!

每個症狀需要唔同, 我唔肯定清楚知道邊款適用, 所以選擇呢款, 雖然每樣少少但點都會撞中😉!

最最加強我今次換呢個品牌比波波食用, 係因為順勢療法藥廠推介, 呢款probiotic有適合腎臟嘅菌種, 我當然要訂比波波用!

The specific strains in of probiotics that are listed in the "Nexabiotic" contain "specific kidney supportive strains" such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Casei and plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Bifobacterium longum can also be extremely beneficial. These strains, which support healthy urea metabolism.

波波蛋白尿近來控制得唔太好, 我正努力喺周邊去做, 希望唔會走上加藥呢條路; 明知用西藥無exceptional, 用上一段時間食到純就無作用, 加加加加到其他器官都頂唔到, 我最怕最擔心嘅但又避唔到😥!

好明白器官衰老無回頭路, 根本個病唔會好, 都知道總有去到用藥都控制唔到嘅地步; 但目前波波仍表現幾好, 我最怕一加藥換藥連基本生活質素都保唔到, 用藥嘅反應無人預計到....
好掙扎, 想比D時間自己嘗試去做, 如果全無改進, 而波波有表現辛苦, 無得揀都要踏上呢條唔想行嘅路, 最重要係波波過得舒服!

其實真係好想好想唔理個化驗結果, 只著重波波表現去做, 但見到情況唔再在掌握內, 又真係做唔到當佢無到😖...
現階段尚有空間比我做, 我會權衡輕重為波波選擇最好!

Nexabiotic Probiotics for Dogs and Puppies contain a proprietary blend of 23 different probiotic strains. These include Saccharomyces boulardii, B. animalis lactis (formerly named B. infantis), Lactobacillus acidophilus, S. thermophilus, L. rhamnosus LB3, and L. brevis. These probiotics are clinically proven to support regular bowel movements and canine health.

A healthy GI system can benefit your pet by maintaining optimum strength, fitness, and stamina, maximizing the standard of health through each stage of life, and ensuring that your companion enjoys a rich life with you. Choose Nexabiotic to help keep your dog healthy and happy.

·  23 probiotics in 1 easily administered capsule for dogs

·  Pre-dosed capsules can be administered whole or emptied into food

·  Mixes easily and is flavorless - No messy dosing needed!
·  Clinically shown to reduce the duration of diarrhea. Supports regular bowel movements and canine digestive health

多謝大家一直支持這個小天地, 不過本blog的內容及照片, 不希望在其他媒體上轉載, 多謝留意及支持!

聲明 **我喺呢個BLOG所提及嘅所有補充品同有關嘅醫療器材,用品,方法等, 並無收取任何廣告費用, 無任何得益。我唔係獸醫,只係一個同幾隻狗狗共同生活嘅普通人, 原意只想分享我用過嘅產品, 經驗,我養狗狗嘅心路歷程。  望比各主人作個參考咁, 不承擔任何責任。醫療上嘅問題, 請徵詢醫生!
但大家要明白,保健品療效及保健用嘅方法, 對每個身體並唔一定有相同反應, 大家喺選擇時候,自己要做多D資料搜集, 因為你先最瞭解你寶貝身體; 最好先咨詢醫生, 確定對狗狗原有服用嘅藥物有無干擾, 千萬唔好盲目相信效用.
大家要小心, 所有保健品都有機會導致個別狗狗有敏感㗎!