快過年喇, 中國人照例都來個大掃除啦, 我就叫工人姐姐抹吓D廚櫃, 每日做D做吓清理; 平日佢hea住做都由得佢喇, 一般家居日日有吸塵蒸氣消毒都ok啦, 但廚櫃碗櫃嗰類佢都好少清理, 唯有每次用D器皿時都過吓熱水, 大菌食細菌隻眼開隻眼閉, 唔係點可能續 3個合約, 太執著會激死自己!
點知佢抹咗幾個廚櫃, 就話周身骨痛頂唔住, 苦口苦面好似想死, 呢個工人姐姐真係身嬌肉貴, 亦可想而知佢平日工作量幾輕易, 如果每日有做開訓練有素, 點會咁慘悽, 就好似我哋無做開運動, 一做就全身酸痛一樣道理; 一個domestic helper竟然做吓家居清潔都咁受罪, 我又無迫佢一日要做好, 慢慢每日做D都唔得? 真係O嘴!
然後, 我就聞到好強勁鎮痛膏嘅氣味, 瀰漫住全屋空氣, 好彩兩隻豬同我都喺房開住空氣淨化機, 無影響到佢哋!
今次出呢個post唔係想聲討姐姐, 祇係有必要再提一次, 之前我都有post過相關資料, 希望大家無忘記, 自從我知道呢類物質對狗狗有害, 已經絕跡喺我屋企, 百密一疏比姐姐嚇死!
比咗天然鎮痛膏佢, 保佢大! |
即刻叫佢沖涼換衫, 供應埋鎮痛藥膏比佢; 日常佢用嘅body lotion已經係由我供應, 怕咗佢買果D濃烈香味, 又怕毒害到兩隻豬仔, 朋友話呢D屬於personaly belongings, 唔使買比佢, 但我寧願我比佢喇, 保護豬仔最大件事!
以下再post一次, google translate埋英文, 屋企有毛孩嘅請話比工人姐姐知!
【貓狗請遠離人用酸痛貼布藥膏】- 轉貼
上週,美國食品和藥物管理局提醒養寵物的人,外用止痛藥物用於治療肌肉和關節疼痛的酸痛貼布及藥膏會危及貓狗的生命。中毒前期症狀為不吃飯、嗜睡、 嘔吐和貧血,比較特別的是寵物主人只是將酸痛貼布貼在脖子上或是腳上就已經會造成貓狗腎衰竭及腸胃出血的症狀,目前已經造成數隻貓狗寵物死亡。經詳細屍檢後發現, 動物體內殘留氟比洛芬(flurbiprofen), 非類固醇抗炎藥物(Nonsteroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs﹞可能是寵物中毒死亡的證據。金寶拔提醒各位寵拔拔麻麻, 減少貓狗暴露於相關藥物的機會,例如垃圾桶、藥物殘留在衣服或是床單地毯。記得, 有上述前期症狀應就近找獸醫院做急救處理以免危及寶貝們的生命。
[Keep away from cats and dogs with sore patch plaster]
Last week, the Food and Drug Administration reminded pet owners that sore patches and salves for topical pain medications used to treat muscle and joint pain can endanger cats and dogs. The early symptoms of poisoning are not eating, lethargy, vomiting, and anemia. The most special is that pet owners can only cause sore kidney failure and gastrointestinal bleeding in cats and dogs just by putting sore patches on their necks or feet. Cats and dogs died. After detailed autopsy, it was found that flurbiprofen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nonsteroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs) in animals may be evidence of death from pet poisoning. Campbell reminds you to treat your pets and dogs to reduce cats and dogs opportunities for exposure to related drugs, such as trash cans, drug residues on clothes or bed linen. Remember, you should go to a veterinary hospital for emergency treatment to avoid endangering the lives of the baby.
上週,美國食品和藥物管理局提醒養寵物的人,外用止痛藥物用於治療肌肉和關節疼痛的酸痛貼布及藥膏會危及貓狗的生命。中毒前期症狀為不吃飯、嗜睡、 嘔吐和貧血,比較特別的是寵物主人只是將酸痛貼布貼在脖子上或是腳上就已經會造成貓狗腎衰竭及腸胃出血的症狀,目前已經造成數隻貓狗寵物死亡。經詳細屍檢後發現, 動物體內殘留氟比洛芬(flurbiprofen), 非類固醇抗炎藥物(Nonsteroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs﹞可能是寵物中毒死亡的證據。金寶拔提醒各位寵拔拔麻麻, 減少貓狗暴露於相關藥物的機會,例如垃圾桶、藥物殘留在衣服或是床單地毯。記得, 有上述前期症狀應就近找獸醫院做急救處理以免危及寶貝們的生命。
[Keep away from cats and dogs with sore patch plaster]
Last week, the Food and Drug Administration reminded pet owners that sore patches and salves for topical pain medications used to treat muscle and joint pain can endanger cats and dogs. The early symptoms of poisoning are not eating, lethargy, vomiting, and anemia. The most special is that pet owners can only cause sore kidney failure and gastrointestinal bleeding in cats and dogs just by putting sore patches on their necks or feet. Cats and dogs died. After detailed autopsy, it was found that flurbiprofen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nonsteroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs) in animals may be evidence of death from pet poisoning. Campbell reminds you to treat your pets and dogs to reduce cats and dogs opportunities for exposure to related drugs, such as trash cans, drug residues on clothes or bed linen. Remember, you should go to a veterinary hospital for emergency treatment to avoid endangering the lives of the baby.