做得嘅盡做, 可以幫達達舒緩鼻敏感嘅都做晒!
阿女做reiki, 我試做原始點, 熱敷, 開動霧化器加氧氣, 食順勢草本藥, 留守房間無變換據點, 今日乞嚏少咗喇!琴日係比較差, 可能鼻塞聞唔到氣味無胃口食喇, 見佢猛打乞嚏都瞭解, 由得佢肚仔休息吓, 唔想硬塞比佢食啦!
琴晚半夜都仲聽到佢鼻塞嘅"咯咯"聲, 半夜三更都爬起身比佢聞氣, 咁辛苦好陰功啊!
同Ka傾起, 佢話liposomal vit C應該幫到達達, 呢隻supplement有幾好, 澳洲順勢藥廠介紹咗好大篇幅; 而Ka嘅狗狗用咗後, 佢見到效果好好, 咁早前我都買咗喇!
可惜兩隻豬都唔肯食, 可能味道唔好, 佢哋又唔可以吞到粒capsule😞!
本來想撈落肉肉, 但篇article寫咗咁做功效就無!
算啦唔想強迫兩隻豬, 反正係補充品, 唔係藥物又唔係唔食醫唔到!
但琴晚達達真係密密乞嚏得好辛苦, 我迫於無奈都要試吓, 用針筒將粒vit C入面嘅gel硬泵入佢口仔度😞!
我唔會用來當日常補充品去用, 硬迫佢哋食太陰功, 但如果有需要我會當藥咁用, 難為佢哋幾日, 好過咁辛苦啦!
可能樣樣都亂打亂撞乜都去做, 今早達達瞓醒後情況比琴日好, 雖然仲有乞嚏, 但不致胃口全無, 早餐午餐算食得幾好喇!
繼續之前所做嘅treatment, 比佢留喺房間, 拉上窗簾, 開住calming music, 再加上淡淡香薰噴霧, 希望達達好好休息, 鼻敏感會快D好啦!
“Liposomal” Vitamin C gel (that come in capsules or satchels) The type of Vitamin c is used for acute Respiratory Conditions (pneumonia, chest infection, bronchitis’s, flue, colds). And now people are also using this when they have cancer cells – pets and humans.
Dr Mercola Gel Capsules or LivOn Gel Satches in a box - from a on-line supplier. from E.G iherb.com
Vitamin C is a ~ antibiotic ~ anti-toxin ~ anti-oxidant ~ anti-histamine ~ anti-viral ~ anti-depressant. Vitamin C is an exciting new vitamin c supplement utilizing Liposomal Encapsulation Technology for maximum Bioavailability. This has a much higher absorption rate with over 90% of the cells being bathed in vitamin C. Experts suggest that liposomal vitamin C is vastly superior to IV vitamin C – an expensive but effective procedure that is done quite often in hospitals and alternative health clinics. This combination produces an advanced form of vitamin C which releases slowly over a period of time producing maximum cellular absorption of vitamin C. Clinical trials have showed that this form of vitamin C, being coated with phospholipids allows up to 90% of the vitamin C to be absorbed by cells, due to the fact that the phospholipid coating resembles the body fats within the cell walls.
This compares very favorably to about a 20% absorption rate of intravenous vitamin C into cells. The cell membrane blocks much of the vitamin C that is in the bloodstream from getting into the cell. The liposomal membrane is able to fuse with the same material and configuration that resides on cell walls. This results in a lower minimal necessary dosage and saves a tremendous amount of money and stress to the consumer. Will not cause upset stomach or diarrhea (unlike other vitamin C's when having to take high doses). Liposomal Vitamin C is able to produce serum levels of Vitamin C nearly double those thought theoretically possible with any oral form of Vitamin C.
Pet / Animal This is just a guideline or suggestion. PLEASE NOTE: This is the type of VITAMIN C is a “a jelly like Vitamin C” type consistency. Therefore, it is “NOT water soluble” (won’t dissolve in liquids at all). However we need to add it to some liquid to oral dose human or pet.
Its not ideal dosing method that we do for small pets, but it can be done.
Before each dose, stir gently in the water, then draw up some of the vitamin C gel with water each time as it needs water to be dispense in so it does not stick to the sides of bowl or glass or other objects. (I have give the vitamin c in food, but it is not effective given with food, unfortunately)
It is an amazing form of vitamin c that can find infected mucous tissue organs and cells and resolve it. No other type of vitamin C can do this, as the others go through blood stream and then excess is urinated out.
聲明 **我喺呢個BLOG所提及嘅所有補充品同有關嘅醫療器材,用品,方法等, 並無收取任何廣告費用, 無任何得益。我唔係獸醫,只係一個同幾隻狗狗共同生活嘅普通人, 原意只想分享我用過嘅產品, 經驗,我養狗狗嘅心路歷程。 望比各主人作個參考咁, 不承擔任何責任。醫療上嘅問題, 請徵詢醫生!
但大家要明白,保健品嘅療效及保健用嘅方法, 對每個身體並唔一定有相同反應, 大家喺選擇嘅時候,自己要做多D資料搜集, 因為你先最瞭解你寶貝嘅身體; 最好先咨詢醫生, 確定對狗狗原有服用嘅藥物有無干擾, 千萬唔好盲目相信效用.
大家要小心, 所有保健品都有機會導致個別狗狗有敏感㗎!