好多謝Ka第一時間同我分享, 雖然正式承認與否, 都無改變我嘅做法, 但得到瑞士政府正式承認為合法藥品, 都係好消息啦 :D
Homeopathy officially recognized by Swiss government as legitimate medicine to coexist with conventional medicine
每當同朋友講及3隻豬走嘅醫療路程, 都有好多唔同睇法, 有好支持我用順勢療法, 都承認傳統醫藥唔係單一最正規嘅方法; 亦有相信西醫西藥係最棒, 不過身體唔夾就無辦法, 有另類療法都好, 都算有多一個選擇; 而最極端嘅, 真係有朋友覺得呢D係安慰劑, 搵嚟搞, 非常反對我比3隻豬仔用順勢療法!
事實3隻豬仔用順勢療劑以來, 真係對佢哋幫助好大, 咁當然呢D唔係仙丹仙藥, 唔可能起死回生啦; 同西藥一樣, 都唔一定將所有嘅病都醫得好嘛!
瑞士政府勇氣可嘉, 好多西藥廠都喺瑞士嘛, 希望呢個post可以幫到一D唔適合用傳統西藥嘅人同動物, 可以多個選擇, 而用得更安心啦!
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053765_homeopathy_Swiss_government_alternative_medicine.html#ixzz4KDnDFCOx
Homeopathy officially recognized by Swiss government as legitimate medicine to coexist with conventional medicine
Friday, April 22, 2016 by: L.J. Devon, Staff WriterTags: homeopathy, Swiss government, alternative medicine

In May 2017, health insurance plans in Switzerland will be covering a variety of healing modalities, including homeopathy, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and holistic medicine. In this way, Switzerland will be bringing back the many healing arts that were used successfully in the past.
A shift away from the disease management, synthetic drug system
This shift toward integration will allow the Swiss healthcare system to heal, as it moves away from profiting off disease management. With the inclusion of these five eclectic healing modalities, Swiss healthcare will become more affordable. By legitimizing these true healing modalities, healthcare can compete to heal, empowering people instead of leaving them in an expensive cycle of side effects and negative outcomes.Synthetic pharmaceutical "science" got its start in 1869, as experiments with coal tar were underway. The first drug was a sedative-hypnotic called chloral hydrate. Pharmaceutical companies got their start after experimenting with nasty coal-tar distillations. Many of the first drugs were modeled after textiles and dyes. The first analgesic and antipyretic drugs, phenacetin and acetanilide, were made from aniline and p-nitrophenol, which are just byproducts of coal tar.
Pharmaceutical "science," for the most part, is an absolute abandonment of the healing modalities that have sustained humans for centuries. The good news is that many herbalists are still around today, passing on the trade of making real medicine using plants. Plants synthesize their own medicine and contain compounds that, when extracted and used correctly, work in conjunction with the human body systems, restoring its healing state.
Swiss people speak out, pressure government to include complementary therapies on list of paid health services
After Swiss health authorities blocked the alternative medicine fields from legitimacy in 2005, the people of Switzerland spoke out. In 2009, two-thirds of the Swiss voted to include these five important healing modalities on the country's constitutional list of paid health services. When 2012 rolled around, all five complementary healing modalities were included in basic compulsory insurance coverage as part of a six-year trial period. At the end of the trial period, determinations would be made based on the alternative therapies "efficacy, cost–effectiveness and suitability."Holistic approaches are gauged through observation, in the progress of healing over time
Now the interior ministry has determined what many holistic practitioners already understand about the healing arts. It's "impossible to provide such proof for these disciplines in their entirety." The proof of their efficacy is in the individual's own experience, initiative and commitment. Holistic therapies are not like synthetic drugs. The whole person is treated, not just a symptom. It's impossible to gauge an alternative therapy on paper, in a perfectly controlled environment. The proof is typically in the observation, in the progress of healing over time.And so, in this understanding, these five healing modalities will continue to be reimbursed by compulsory health insurance plans, as long as they are administered by certified medical professionals. This is an enormous step in the right direction for a healthcare system that is seeking to integrate more than just synthetic manipulations and suppression of the human body.
This shift toward integration of medicine will also allow questionable treatments within these complementary healing systems to face more scrutiny, so that the best holistic approaches can come out and be a success for people.
Sources include:
聲明 **我喺呢個BLOG所提及嘅所有補充品同有關嘅醫療器材,用品,方法等, 並無收取任何廣告費用, 無任何得益。我唔係獸醫,只係一個同幾隻狗狗共同生活嘅普通人, 原意只想分享我用過嘅產品, 經驗,我養狗狗嘅心路歷程。 望比各主人作個參考咁, 不承擔任何責任。醫療上嘅問題, 請徵詢醫生!
但大家要明白,保健品嘅療效及保健用嘅方法, 對每個身體並唔一定有相同反應, 大家喺選擇嘅時候,自己要做多D資料搜集, 因為你先最瞭解你寶貝嘅身體; 最好先咨詢醫生, 確定對狗狗原有服用嘅藥物有無干擾, 千萬唔好盲目相信效用.
大家要小心, 所有保健品都有機會導致個別狗狗有敏感㗎!