2018年8月12日 星期日

康復需時 (w/album)


波波腳仔受傷有3星期喇, 算康復得幾好, 雖然未100%好返晒, 仲間中有吊腳, 最明顯係poo poo時間, 一用力嗰下可能仲有痛啦!

但見到一日比一日好, 無咁擔心喇, 自己係有心理準備康復需要一定時間, 只要mon住無變差, 就比時間
自我修復啦; 但有時知易行難, 都係會偶然情緒失控擔心㗎!
當然我有用順勢療劑tear repair等等去幫吓, 仲要
再多幾日復健安排, 希望物理治療後復原得更快!

物理治療師話唔可以長困籠, 如果情況轉差一定要見醫生, 相反有好轉就要比佢活動吓, 增進血液循環先會復原更快, 總知小心拿捏活動同休息時間啦!
咁照常放佢出嚟同達達互動吓, 適當時間休息啦!

今日喺某群組睇咗一篇長文分享, 都想比大家睇吓, 唔係叫大家唔好睇醫生, 祇係作一個參考, 知多D無壞嘛; 當然要清楚係邊種受傷, 實質情況有幾壞, 最好保持冷靜(如果寶貝痛到不停尖叫, 我好明白要
冷靜好難😜), 仲有無其他選擇, 唔好決定得太心急啦!

Is Surgery Really Necessary For Your Dog's ACL / CCL Ligament Injury?

Surgery is often recommended for dogs' stifle(knee) ligament injuries in cases where surgery is not the best treatment choice.  When they have ACL(CCL) ligament injuries, most dogs will recover well without surgery. 

Sometimes surgery will be needed, but it is a mistake to accept any vet's claim that your dog needs surgery without first considering the facts presented here at this website.
---- It is important for your dog that you understand these injuries and treatment options. "Just trust the doctor" is not a good way to make medical decisions. This is especially true with dogs' ligament injuries for the reasons explained at this website.

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