網上睇到一段發佈, 狗狗上直播節目, 突然張口咬女主播, 呢個片段當然引起好多愛狗人仕關注, 因為所謂突然咬, 只係無留意狗狗做嘅安定訊號, 其實從段片嚟睇, 狗狗做晒佢想表達嘅訊悉, 只係女主播唔識睇, 而領犬員又疏忽, 先導至呢個後果!
狗狗咬人, 大都因為人類忽視咗同狗狗應有嘅安全距離, 猶其係陌生人! 片中清楚睇到領犬員係緊hold住狗狗嘅頸帶, 然後有陌生人(女主播)係咁哄埋佢個面, 佢走唔到只好擰轉頭想避開, 又避無可避; 見到佢猛舔舌, 最後因為再無退路唯有出口咬!
如果多D留意狗狗嘅身體語言, 呢件事根本唔會發生, 好彩最後狗狗無被懲處, 都獲得釋放, 如果因為咁話狗狗有攻擊性要人道毀滅, 就太唔公平喇!
我哋身為狗主, 或者係領犬員, 係有責任保護狗狗, 身心都唔好受到不必要嘅傷害, 同時亦應保障身邊人嘅人身安全, 學習狗狗身體語言係必須嘅!
呢個案例我覺得係領犬員嘅錯, 佢唔附合領犬員應有嘅條件, 又或者需要多上一D訓練課程, 熟習狗狗嘅安定訊號喇!
Aggression: Why does a dog become aggressive? (轉貼)
When a dog feels threatened, they usually do one of three things; 'freeze' (become motionless and hope that the threat goes away), 'flee' (run away from the threat to safety) or 'fight' (show aggressive behaviour by growling, baring teeth, snapping or biting to force the threat to go away). Dogs will naturally avoid fighting and use it as a last resort because it poses a risk to their own safety through possible injury. However, certain circumstances will teach dogs that fighting will work best and encourage him to use aggression more often.
For example:
A dog is on his lead and is tied up outside a shop whilst his owner is inside. He has not been socialised properly with all types of people and is frightened of strangers. A passer-by who likes dogs but has never had one of his own and doesn't know how to tell if a dog is scared or happy by reading the body language, approaches the dog intending to stroke him.
For example:
A dog is on his lead and is tied up outside a shop whilst his owner is inside. He has not been socialised properly with all types of people and is frightened of strangers. A passer-by who likes dogs but has never had one of his own and doesn't know how to tell if a dog is scared or happy by reading the body language, approaches the dog intending to stroke him.
- The dog sees the stranger coming and feels threatened, so he freezes.
- The stranger keeps moving towards the dog, so the dog realises that freezing hasn't worked.
- The dog then tries to flee, but his lead is tied to a metal post and prevents him from running away from the threat - and the stranger is still getting closer.
- The dog starts to growl as the stranger puts his hand out to stroke him and then as this still does not work, he lunges and snaps at the man's fingers.
- This finally brings the desired result, as the man backs-off and hurries away.