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願Van仔早日康復 |
有獸醫留言, 話大家對呢個女醫生好唔公平, 佢唔見有錯喺邊度; 無論結論係點, 呢個醫生都係有錯, 起碼佢無徵詢主人同意拍可能多於正常嘅X-RAY, 無同主人解釋可能有嘅後遺症, 無足夠構通!
我哋唔係獸醫, 睇到Van媽wall上嘅陳述難免激動, 因為都係愛毛孩嘅父母, 所以好明白Van媽得知Van仔有甲狀腺病嘅失控, 因為事件發生嘅時間太脗合; 我亦有問過有醫學知識嘅專業人仕, 佢話理論上照20張x-ray傷害唔係一般想像中咁大, 如果用正確 dosage係ok嘅, 不過, 有無必要一次照上20張, 呢個有待評估!
問題係呢個醫生用嘅dose係咪正確 ? 因為佢開藥都over dosage, 又叫要開肚睇, 好難怪Van媽對佢失晒信心啦!
萬一佢真係用錯高劑量, 咁又真係驚引發甲狀腺病變喎!
Van媽網上描述, 佢話:
呢件事我都有衝動, 一睇就判定女醫生害人不淺, 無冷靜去研究內容:(
當然基於自己都係毛孩嘅媽媽, 睇到咁情況感心痛!
辜勿論誰是誰非, 今次呢個事件都教識我遇事唔好衝動!
如果毛小孩有病要尋求治療, 一定要同醫生有足夠構通; 要問清楚治療程序, 有後遺症嘅機會有幾高? 即使要做, 都要權衡輕重, 針無兩頭利, 但我哋有權選擇, 有權知道, 要為毛孩尋求最好; 如果有懷疑, 覺得治療方式令你唔舒服, 請去搵多個second opinion, 不同醫生有不同做法, 又或者都係同一結論, 你都可以選擇做, 唔做!
希望呢件事大家都上咗寶貴嘅一課, 更希望Van仔健康可以控制好!
以下我 copied咗有獸醫嘅留言, 大家覺得佢係理性還是偏坦, 因為有網友話佢哋畢業於同一學院, 係一丘之狢 :(
Don Chan I feel very sorry for what happened to your dog, but I have to say that it is very unfair to the vet when many of your friends, and you, are attacking this vet when you guys do not have the knowledge to judge if what she did was right or wrong.
1. Taking 20 x-ray is not an issue at all. If a vet is to do a barium study to check if there is any foreign body in the gut, she/he has to take at least 10 x-rays. a couple before administering the barium, then 30, 60, 120 mins, then 24 hours after to assess motion of the gut.
2. This amount of x-ray, unless there is a problem with the machine or setting, will not cause any short term issue with the dog at all. And if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. A normal CT scan is at least 100x the amount of radiation of normal x-ray and it is still routinely performed in human hospital if required. Excuse my language but I fell very sorry for the fact that many people are saying something like "正常知識都知20張片係有問題啦". You are not the vet, and you are wrong in this case, and you are making other people feel like it was wrong while it was not!!
3. There are a lot of possibilities why your dog is having those issues with his skin, and the senior vet also said that the x-ray is only a possibility, then why is everyone seems to be blaming the skin issue on the x-ray? This is unfair!
If you think there is a problem with this vet, please, please, please make a complaint to the board directly, and then post it after they have decided she did something wrong. Everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. And also, consult a few more reputable vets which is best for the dog as well. Please consider what damage you have done to the vet's career, the hospital, and the whole industry if at the end you find out that the vet did nothing wrong. Are you going to spend $100,000 putting statements on newspaper to try to save her reputation? If you don't mind you can post the blood result of the dog's thyroid level and I will have a look. Hypothyroidism is one of the most overdiagnosed disease in practice due to the poor accuracy of the initial testing. Please read: http://www.merckmanuals.com/vet/endocrine_system/the_thyroid_gland/hypothyroidism.html
www.merckmanuals.comIn hypothyroidism, impaired production and secretion of the thyroid hormones result in a decreased metabolic rate. This disorder is most common in dogs but also develops rarely in other species, including cats, horses, and other large domestic animals.This is a direct quote from a veterinary specialist in radiology (Norman Ackerman, DVM, DACVR) in case you need some reference "Although each individual is consistent gastric emptying times vary greatly among normal dogs and most figures are estimates. Barium reaches the dog's colon in 180±90 minutes and the cat's in 30 to 60 minutes. In dogs, radiographs should be taken immediately after barium administration and at 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2 and 3 hours, and periodically thereafter; in cats, barium passes through the GI tract more rapidly, take radiographs at 0, 10, 20 and 30 minutes, 1 hour, and hourly thereafter until the barium reaches the colon and the stomach is empty. Four views (VD, DV, and left and right recumbent laterals) should be taken immediately and at least a VD and lateral view should be taken at each time thereafter. " - Basically, this specialist is suggesting taking at least 14 x-rays.
Betty Liem I am a veterinarian myself and I was really heartbreaking reading through all the posts and the comments. I could not imagine the level of stress that this poor junior vet is facing and seriously I do not think that she has done anything inappropriate. Before anyone is verbally assaulting another person, please consider the consequences cause you may damage someone's reputation, career or even life. I do not think its right to assault anyone without knowing the whole story or without a veterinary background to correctly judge this incident. This is very unfair. Thanks to Don, Yes hypothyroidism is often overdiagnosed. To correctly diagnose hypothyroidism, you would need at least 4 things- including clinical signs, total T4, free T4 and TSH. Total T4 is commonly suppressed by factors such as any kind of illnesses, drugs etc. Here in Sydney, we always send off blood for TSH and free T4 to confirm hypothyroidism before starting on any thyroxine treatment. I asked a veterinary radiology specialist about whether there is a chance that excessive radiation exposure through repeated plain radiographs contributes to hypothyroidism, hairloss and hyperpigmentation of the skin and he said it has never been documented. If the radiographs would have caused all these side effects, CT scan would not be even used so widely on animals here in Sydney ( 1 plain radiograph is equivalent to 10 days of background radiation- which is the radiation that you absorb on the street every day, and 1 CT scan is equivalent to 200 days to 2-3 years of background radiation depending on the location of scan). I doubt the skin lesions would have been caused by the x-rays done, instead I would be more suspicious of other skin diseases, eg ringworm, mites, bacterial infection. If you don't mind, please post up the result for the blood test and the medications dispensed. I also hope Van Van can recover soon and I will try my best to dig out textbooks or resources if you have any questions.
11.08.2013後記: 每日都有睇Van媽嘅更新, 好關心Van仔情況去到邊度,但越睇越心寒, 太多網友匯報種種醫療失誤; 乜真係咁難搵一個好醫生?
今日Van媽在wall上留言, 咁我唔幫Van仔打格仔喇!
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