琴日無端端整親隻腳, 今日腫咗仲痛到行唔到, 有無攪錯呀!
本來訂購咗兩款花藥, 約好今日去攞, 以我咁心急嘅性格一定唔想再將時間推後, 唯有叫工人姐姐幫忙!
花藥治療, 我覺得對情緒有唔錯嘅幫助, 從去年比達達開始用, 我都見到有改進, 當然呢個唔係神奇藥水, 唔會一滴就見效, 但循序漸進, 加上適當鼓勵, 有恆心慢慢去用, 係有一定效果!
一個健康嘅生活, 要包含心理上, 精神上同身體上有健全嘅發展, 而精神上有困擾, 又好似虛無飄渺, 好難做到對症下藥咁直接, 但又無可否認, 呢樣嘢會做成生活上好大障礙, 令到受害者好唔開心!
達達一直都有心結, 成日喺圍欄內團團轉, 對一D突然嘅聲響, 佢會好驚; 最初好抗拒豆b嘅加入, 一度情緒低落, 但依家已經移除咗呢個issue; 明顯佢比之前有進步, 但最大障礙係仍欠缺自信, 好容易受驚!
波波除咗出外見到小朋友同狗狗會緊張之外, 近來同豆b嘅關係, 開始唔好!
一 直以來, 佢哋相處都無特別唔妥嘅, 但自從豆b日漸鍾意黐住我, 波波就開始蠻起上嚟; 每逢我抱住波波, 佢一見豆b行近我, 佢都認定豆b嚟同佢搶媽媽; 佢會好惡咁想撲落去同豆b打過!
當然各方面都有責任, 無可否認豆b係變咗, 佢以前唔會揀人抱, 依家就一定要黐住我囉; 波波一向都係天之驕子, 達達又好識做, 一向都對佢忍讓, 從來唔會同佢有爭拗嘅問題.
豆b依家做成波波一個心理威脅, 好妒忌, 好驚佢搶咗媽媽; 而我都一定有某方面做得唔妥, 但問心我一直對波波都係一樣, 萬事都以佢為首啦; 真係唔知點算好, 好彩有花藥輔助, 希望助我一臂之力, 等我將餘下嘅難題解決到啦!
今次再嚟兩款花藥, Sibling Rivalry比波波, Ego Builder比達達啦!
又嚟一樽? 又係比我? 比豆b啦, 等佢唔好乜都同我爭一餐啦! |

Helps reduce extreme jealousy and competitive behavior between animals. For overbearing, selfish behavior, and intolerance towards others. Helps reduce the power struggle within the pecking order.
花朵自然療法 - Sibling Rivalry 兄弟之爭
有助於減少極端嫉妒和動物之間的競爭行為. 例如: 霸道,自私的行為,對他人的不寬容. 有助於減少在權力爭鬥 (爭做大佬), 可以幫助緩解這些緊張關係.
我未食過呢隻牌子喎! |

Helps those animals that experience a lack of self-confidence and are afraid to face new situations. For the shy, timid, fearful, withdrawn, apathetic, or uncertain ones. Excellent for any animal that seems reluctant or unwilling to meet the challenges or training expected of them. (i.e., entering a ring, crossing water, jump hurdles, etc.)
花朵自然療法 - Ego Builder 建立自我
幫助這些動物的經驗缺乏自信,害怕面臨新的形勢。 對於害羞,膽小,恐懼,孤僻,精神萎靡,或不確定的。 非常適用於任何動物,似乎不情願或不願意迎接挑戰,或培訓對他們的期望。
Flower and herbal essences are liquid preparations that are made by infusing fresh flowers or herbs under very specific conditions to create a potentized essence. Distilled vinegar is used as a preservative. These essences are used to balance emotional and spiritual energy that can be the underlying cause of physical imbalances.
To get the best results from essences they should be used in a specific way. With the Botanical Animal essences you want to first determine if you are using an essence best suited for a deep seated emotion or a situational emotion. Deep seated essences address long held, or repressed emotions and situational essences address specific emotions that only surface under certain conditions. Some essences can deal with deep seated and situational emotions.
Essences for deep seated emotions include:
Angel of Mercy
Ego Builder
Life Changes
Wellness/Recover Blend
At Your Service
Crossed Over
Sibling Rivalry
Situational essences include:
Clear Thinking
Devil Be Gone
Easy Does It
Ego Builder
in Training Blend
Mellow Out Blend
Obsess Less
Safe Journey
Wellness/Recovery Blend
Crossed Over
In The Kennel
Panic Attack
Unseen Visitors
Essences are best absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth. The best ways to administer them is directly in the mouth, in the drinking water or on hard treats such as carrots or apples. You can also put the remedies on the palms of your hands and rub them around your horse’s lips. Essences may not contact the mucous membranes if put in feed so this is not a good option.
The essences will start to act within a few minutes to 1 hour after being administered and last for 4 to 6 hours. If you are looked for a stronger action then it is better to give the essence more often than to give a higher dose. Situational remedies are best given 30 minutes to 1 hour before needed and deep acting essences can be given directly in the mouth or in the drinking water. Essences won’t act on other animals drinking the water. Add new essence when the water is changed or add daily to larger toughs.
Up to 3 essences can be given to an animal in a 24 hour period. They can be given together or deep acting essences in the water and situational essences directly in the mouth before they are needed.
Common combinations include:
Ego Builder, Mellow Out and Clear Thinking
CrisEase, In Training
Devil Be Gone and Angel Of Mercy
Essences will often clear emotions in layers. Give an essence or combination of essences 4 to 6 weeks to act but be prepared to shift essences if emotions shift. Madalyn
聲明 **我喺呢個BLOG所提及嘅所有補充品同有關嘅醫療器材,用品,方法等, 並無收取任何廣告費用, 無任何得益。我唔係獸醫,只係一個同幾隻狗狗共同生活嘅普通人, 原意只想分享我用過嘅產品, 經驗,我養狗狗嘅心路歷程。 望比各主人作個參考咁, 不承擔任何責任。醫療上嘅問題, 請徵詢醫生!
但大家要明白,保健品嘅療效及保健用嘅方法, 對每個身體並唔一定有相同反應, 大家喺選擇嘅時候,自己要做多D資料搜集, 因為你先最瞭解你寶貝嘅身體; 最好先咨詢醫生, 確定對狗狗原有服用嘅藥物有無干擾, 千萬唔好盲目相信效用.
大家要小心, 所有保健品都有機會導致個別狗狗有敏感㗎!