2012年11月25日 星期日

節制小食 - Coat Plus

琴日接咗波波番嚟, 見到佢多少都有D唔開心, 我都唔敢睇佢D牙仔, 怕咗佢緊張起嚟, 又咳咳咳!

希望佢會較為放鬆,等波波喺我手中進入昏睡狀態; 因為佢想將風險, 唔想幫波波先打鎮靜劑; 後來佢話都係唔好由我抱喇, 費事波波嬲咗我, 以後對我唔再親近, 都係由佢嚟做醜人啦! 
我都無諗得咁深入, 諗得咁細心, 真係要多謝H醫生:)


琴晚比豆b聞氣, 諗起波波氣管敏感都一可以聞,  果然今早瞓醒波波好番好多喇, 雖然都仲有咳, 但無咁用力喇; 今日一切照常, 食用無再作特別安排喇, 但我有調高番少少肉量比佢哋; 我諗之前係錯在太多肉類零食, 須知要好大塊肉先可以做到一小塊風乾肉, 都好高蛋白質啦!

正餐照以前肉量減20%好喇, 就食佢體重嘅2.5%啦, 太少唔夠營養又唔得啦, 一陣又嚟貧血我就頭痕; 都係節制小食方為上算喇!

波波洗咗牙, 今日睇過真係白雪雪呀, 而BUN又回復到正常水平, 我了咗一件心事喇; 豆b近來都少咗乞嗤, 不過天氣又開始冷, 我都有D擔心, 希望紫錐花都仲幫到佢啦!




依家就只希望達達豬毛量有突破喇; 我決定同佢換過另一隻魚油, 希望同神奇粉相輔相丞對佢有更大幫助, 更希望我可以願望成真啦!

呢3隻豬仔, 真係好多事呀!

Coat Plus®  是一個關鍵的營養素,奥米加-3脂肪酸和維生素E,支持小型犬的皮膚健康集中補充毛髮需要.
 Coat Plus®包含:-
維生素E - 重要的抗氧化劑

粗脂肪(分鐘).... 50%
水份(最高)...... 2%
維生素E... 2IU
ω-3脂肪酸* .... 135mg
        DHA*...... 54mg
        EPA*...... 81mg

ingredients: Fish oil, Tocopherol (Natural Vitamin E), Gelatin, Glycerol, Beef flavor

Finding the right products for our dogs can sometimes be difficult. When finding the right product for our dogs, we want to make sure it’ll benefit our dog in the best ways possible. Give your dog a superb product that will give them a great coat, after all, a great coat always starts from the inside. That superb product comes from Arenus with their Coat Plus product that is sure to give your dog a healthy skin and coat!
Arenus Coat Plus® - Small Breed is a concentrated supplement of the key nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, that support healthy skin and coat in small dogs. Coat Plus contains essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA not always in sufficient levels in pet food. Your dog needs essential omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health of his skin and hair. CoatPlus provides a high quality and stable source of the critical omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. By offering CoatPlus daily, you will ensure your dog receives plentiful amounts of EPA and DHA recommended by The National Research Council. CoatPlus™ is formulated with human grade fish oil which is an excellent source of EPA and DHA. The fish oil in CoatPlus is thoroughly tested for contaminants and stabilized with a natural antioxidant. This is important as fish oils are fragile and prone to spoilage. Additional Vitamin E is included in CoatPlus because Vitamin E is recommended by the National Research Council when dogs consume additional omega-3 fatty acids. After your dog starts receiving the CoatPlus treatment, you will notice an improved shine or luster to your dog's coat along with a silky smooth texture. CoatPlus is a convenient, easy-to-feed gel capsule with a palatable beef flavor your dog is sure to love!

多謝大家一直支持這個小天地, 不過本blog的內容及照片, 不希望在其他媒體上轉載, 多謝留意及支持!

聲明 **我喺呢個BLOG所提及嘅所有補充品同有關嘅醫療器材,用品,方法等, 並無收取任何廣告費用, 無任何得益。我唔係獸醫,只係一個同幾隻狗狗共同生活嘅普通人, 原意只想分享我用過嘅產品, 經驗,我養狗狗嘅心路歷程。  望比各主人作個參考咁, 不承擔任何責任。醫療上嘅問題, 請徵詢醫生!
但大家要明白,保健品療效及保健用嘅方法, 對每個身體並唔一定有相同反應, 大家喺選擇時候,自己要做多D資料搜集, 因為你先最瞭解你寶貝身體; 最好先咨詢醫生, 確定對狗狗原有服用嘅藥物有無干擾, 千萬唔好盲目相信效用.
大家要小心, 所有保健品都有機會導致個別狗狗有敏感㗎!