2013年3月29日 星期五

自以為是 (w/album)


琴日見到天色唔好, 本來諗住唔出去, 但3隻豬出慣咗去,有好期待嘅表情; 尤其係隻衰豬波波, 唔比佢發洩咗過盛嘅精力, 佢成日想打交, 碰吓佢都發難, 比佢喺街上跑番幾轉, 咁就OK; 每次去完街佢都會同達達玩遊戲, 如果谷住佢度氣, 無比佢宣洩D壓力出嚟, 邊個碰佢都死 :(

唔想好似上次咁做好晒準備, 落到樓下有雨又要番歸, 今次我做先頭部隊, 自己先落去; 見到天色唔錯, 難得條街唔濕又無雨, 即刻打電話上去叫姐姐準備, 放好尿片落車仔, 我會立刻番上去湊佢哋落嚟,唔係遲咗又落雨, 已經係傍晚, 再唔出去天都黑齊!

一上到樓, 我就好谷氣, 見到3隻豬都坐咗落車仔 :(
我同呢個工人姐姐講過十萬九千次, 叫佢唔好抱佢哋, 3隻豬唔係公仔, 有時會典嚟典去, 根本佢未抱過咁細嘅狗仔, 好容易跌
佢哋落嚟, 又怕抱唔啱姿勢, 會傷咗佢哋關節同腰仔; 我只叫佢準備好架車仔, 又無叫佢放佢哋入去, 而且仲要同佢哋噴防虫劑, 都係要企出嚟, 今次好彩無親佢哋 :(

上次打爛我個公仔我已經好激氣, 除咗再買唔番, 仲唔開心佢唔聽我嘅指示, 今次關乎我心肝寶貝, 係我嘅命根嚟, 如果真係跌傷佢哋, 我真係無面比!!!!
點解呢個姐姐咁難教, 咁鍾意突出自己, 總係咁自以為是!
好嚴肅咁同佢再講多次, 叫佢唔好做請佢唔好做多餘, 我會唔開心兼唔會感激佢, 唔該再熟讀我比佢嘅指引, 下次再犯我一定有懲處!
我比姐姐嘅指引, 都講得好清楚啦!

-          We treat them as family members and our equals, we hope you love them as we do
-          Do not give them snacks and food of any kind
-          If you accidentally drop anything on the floor (in whichever room), make sure you pick all of them up because tiny pieces (scrap food, rubbish, small sharp objects) left on the floor may cause serious danger and harm to the dogs – they may step on or even swallow sharp objects
-          You are not expected to play with the dogs
-          Do not lift them from floor (their limbs are very fragile and can get a fracture easily)
-          Be very careful when you walk around to avoid stepping on their feet (the harm can be catastrophic)
-          In general, these little creatures are quite harmless if they are not offended first, but. when working near to them, avoid drastic and big noise/action that frightens them so as to prevent unnecessary harm to yourself
-          Pay special attention when you open and close the door to avoid they run out.

3隻豬落到街, 波波就一枝箭咁跑得好快, 不過無耐就有雨點打落嚟; 急忙番入大堂避一避, 但個仔唔肯入去!
同佢企喺門口有上蓋嘅位置, 佢係咁扯我行, 佢都唔知咩係落雨, 比佢激死; 唯有同佢近行人路邊行一陣, 滿足吓佢! 

好彩一陣就停晒雨, 行完就到達達豬!

唔好扯啦, 出面落緊雨嘛!

b呢一轉就麻煩, 行咗一陣就落大雨, 又大又急; 我一定唔會淋親3隻豬仔, 車內常有準備, 快手放好佢哋上車仔, 鋪好車罩, 行埋一邊避雨, 不過我同姐姐都已經變咗落湯雞!


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