2012年7月7日 星期六

大熱天走在柏油路上 - 轉貼

以下嘅轉貼文章, 大家都要有所警惕至好, 炎炎夏日帶狗狗出去, 除咗會令腳掌受傷, 嚴重嘅更會中暑隨時無命, 都係小心為要, 晚上先去行街街啦!
夏天, 請不要在太陽下帶他們上街!拜託!
轉自 宣妤 文:由American Dog Magazine傳
< 狗在''熱天"走 柏油路很''痛苦'' ><" >
【狗狗腳底是排汗的地方】 雖然腳底厚厚的會有保護作用,但是讓牠們 在 "大熱天" 走在 柏油路上, 是一件很''痛苦''的事情... 
夏天到了~帶狗狗去散步時請 改為 ''晚上八點過後'',
至少那時柏油路已經 ''降溫''不少了, 可以保護腳抓不會受傷.
***ALERT***Please be aware that your dog can BURN the pads on their paws when they walk on hot asphalt in the summer time! IF IT'S TOO HOT for you to walk barefoot on the sidewalk........ then it's too hot for your dog also. Walk your dog early morning, evening, or get them a pair of shoes to protect their feet. (this pic was posted from Kathy Chiodo Holbert) and PLEASE HELP SHARE to make people aware of this, thx!