2012年7月22日 星期日



琴日同波波沖涼, 跟住修吓毛毛, 每次我都只會修少少, 等佢睇起上嚟較整齊!
對於同佢哋剪毛, 我一向都堅持己見, 我要求係剪好少, 當然自己唔pro唔敢剪啦, 但即使係出去美容, 都一定要求保留住佢哋個波波look!


以下係一篇嘅文章, 話比主人聽狗狗毛毛唔可以剪得太短架, 好多時見到D主人將松松嘅毛剃晒, 話咁會涼快好多; 在我自己嚟講, 一定唔會咁做, 從外觀去講, 我覺得應該保留原本犬種嘅特式, 松松係標置在於佢一身蓬鬆嘅雙層毛, 就係鍾意佢好似個圓波波! 
其實狗狗毛毛生長速度會跟隨自然生態, 好明顯我見到我狗狗, 夏天會比冬天少毛!

其實我好唔明點解有人要選擇養松松, 但係又唔要佢一身澎澎嘅毛毛! 如果唔要佢嘅毛毛, 點解又要選呢個犬種?? 養隻短毛芝仔咪仲方便, 根本唔駛剃毛:)

對於健康問題, 呢篇文章都講得好清楚喇, 唔好削弱咗佢保護自己嘅能力, 咁會有機會引至皮膚癌!

嘅松松阿Boo, 佢係剃短晒D毛毛架, 但你認為佢係刻意咁做, 定係無可奈何?
如果達達豬唔好彩, 佢毛毛生長每況愈下, 我都會考慮咁做, 起碼睇起嚟整齊可愛, 唔似病甩毛!

我仲要阿Q咁去想, 可以同佢著好多靚衫嘛; 其實甩咗毛毛嘅狗狗, 係好需要著衫架; 一方面要保護皮膚, 亦都要加強佢嘅自信, 我記得我叻叻甩晒毛毛之後, 唔著衫佢甚至唔識行ToT, 所以阿Boo都著住咁多靚衫衫 :)

我download咗幾張阿Boo嘅相, 希望達達唔會去到呢個地步啦!


Heat Wave! Should You Shave Your Pet?

Nearly everywhere in America, this summer is a scorcher, and we know that as a responsible pet parent, you want to do everything you can to keep your best four-legged friends cool. So when you look at your Pomeranian, Golden Retriever or long-haired cat wearing a thick, fluffy coat, you might feel tempted to break out your grooming tools and give him a serious hair cut.
But hold those clippers! While you or I would hate to sport a fur coat in 100-degree weather, your pets’ fur coats are actually providing them with heat relief.
“A dog’s coat is kind of like insulation for your house,” explains Dr. Louise Murray, Vice President of ASPCA Bergh Memorial Hospital. “Insulation stops your home from getting too cold in winter, but it also keeps it from overheating in summer—and your dog’s coat does the same thing.”
Dogs’ coats have several layers, and these layers are essential to your dog’s comfort in the heat. Robbing your dog of this natural cooling system can lead to discomfort and overheating. And keeping your dog cool isn’t the only reason to leave his coat intact, Dr. Murray warns. Your dog’s coat prevents your pup from getting sunburn and helps protect her from skin cancer.
So what can you do? “It’s OK to trim your long-haired dog’s long hair, such as any hair that hangs down on his legs,” Dr. Murray says. Just never attempt to clip mats off your pet’s coat with scissors, Dr. Murray adds. And if you’ve got a long-haired kitty, leave her coat intact. Instead, brush her a little more frequently during the hot summer months.
To protect your pet from sunburn and skin cancer, save longer walks for evenings, and consider applying pet-specific sun block to thinly covered areas like the bridge of your dog’s nose, the tips of his ears and his belly, Dr. Murray suggests, noting that pets with thin coats, as well as those with white or light-colored coats, are especially at risk for sun damage.
Of course, pet parents should remember to keep pets inside with plenty of water during hot days—hydration is key! For more important information on summer pet care, visit our Hot-Weather Tips.

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